Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 2011 Recap - I Blinked and it was Over

I really love this time of year! It's funny that in a lot of ways Autumn feels like a time for new beginnings even though it marks the the season for falling leaves and the ushering in of a cold and windy winter. But for me it just feels like a season with so many possibilities. I love the colors, the pulling out of sweaters and layering up. I love soups and warms beverages and snuggling into someone special. It's fabulous and I will forever love this time of year!

Here is a quick (slash LONG) recap of a wonderful October!

Grandpa turned 80!!!

I really love this guy!
We got to go to a Waterdeep concert! It was soul satisfying for sure!
My first "Mugs and Muffins" with the Kansas State Nav girls!
Wyatt had school pictures (but we took our own).
Before we took that the Olinger lads had a little fun.

Nothing says Autumn like a little baking.
Coloring Pumpkins (it may be our new tradition...because I dislike wilted carved pumpkins)
Nice lines, little Olinger!

My sweet dad took our family pictures. This one was cut because Austin thinks his shirt looks funny, but I still like it enough to share!

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