Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tell a Better Story

I have been reading "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years"
by Donald Miller the past week.
I LOVE this book!
It's primarily about living a better story.

He's writing style is so inviting.
I mostly feel like I'm listening to a friend just share their life with me.
That might be weird.
One of my favorite points he shares is
how fear can keep us from
telling a better story.

Last night I read how the
grandness, the vastness, the uncontainable
beauty of nature is, in some ways,
encouraging us to tell a better story.
A story that matches it's beauty.

That's what I love about this season!
It's so alive; full of so many possibilities.

How are you telling a better story this spring???
Are you too afraid to go for it?

1 comment:


BEAUTIFULLY well rounded post :)
I like all the elements - info (the book you are reading), photos and a challenge. Very nice!